
Julianna Tam:

Rex Boy! What Can I possibly say to you? You are the best man ever. Thanks so much for all that you have done for me. I will always treasure the time that we have been spent together. Thanks so much for everything. And please do always remember and think of me everyday! If not, I will kill you indeed. God, sometimes How I wish I could turn back time to those days. It is always remarkable! Anyways, When are we going to get together again? Don't tell me you are busy again?! I will kill you! Hehe. Just kidding :)




tHe PhOto iS CoOl

^_^ See Ya Around



baby Sylues:

actually..i like to read every word that u write , create.......

its so cool..and so happy to read...

i even want a LONGER longer..longer ..

endless and never stop message from u ...

BEcause of U~ ahah everyhing is U~AHAH^_^




baby Sylues:

>Damn it....

really miss u ...

how come~~




hey godzfair~ r u gettin` homesick yet? since there's nothing 2 do in VA? actually we only did talked on the phone, yet figured it out ur a 'stay @ home' type *Muwhuhahahaha* so be better 2 come back b4 CNY in HK wor...or else u won't regonize ur honey anymore if she's getting thinner :P sorry sylues, don't wanna tease u...since i know it's hard 2 feel that lonely during the coming holidays without him~ ho la & don't 4get 2 bring my b'day present & souvernir from VA wor *GRIN* since 2morrow is my b'day :P ttyl, xxx-jes + huggies from choco >:)




hey rex. hows the weather in vancouver..

its slightly turning cooler here in ny, get skype so we can chat.

by the way i added new photos ,check them out sometimes.

just showing some love :) holla back



Krissy Bell:

hey rex boy,

how's canada treating u..

still waitin' for ur return,

soon enough? :)



Grace Wong:

hey long time no see, how's life?

you went back to hk?

im still living in vancouver,

oh how did u find me?






Krissy Bell:

Hi Rex, it's really been a long long time.

Last I heard from you were going Canada.

So you're back in HK now.

Maybe if I get lucky, I can see you June/July that's about the time I might be in HK.

Till then. Take care bud! xoxo



Tiffany Lam:





Cathy Pang:

Hey how its going? Thanks for the invitation ^^, not sure if i can come ar!! Keep contact later la! :>



Angela Li:

Happy Birthday ar...

Wish you have a sweet sweet Birthday day la...




JaNice LeUnG:

Happy Birthday



Angela Lau:

Happy Birthday!



Sylbaby Chan:

happy birthday laAAAAAAA





Joffe Chan:

I remove many in the facebook... I wanna to remove my memory in my mind also.. Some photos are ugly! But the birthday party still have fun fun fun!! My ugly photos will upload later la! Happy birthday to Suki luver , Kit and Rex! different age , different circle , but same party *v* I knew many new friends at that night Thanks who took good care of me and who played wif me. Final.. Miz my pretty friend -- Yetta. I expect she will come at that night, but she had not. .......When can we meet ar !!!!!



Francine Cheng:

u should tag me rex...haha!

anyway enjoy so much for having fun in ur birthday party!

be seeing u : >



Vincci Lai:

you deserve the high heels' stab man....





Julianna Tam:

Happy Birthday My Dear Rex!

It is too bad that I could not make it to your B-day Party!

Did you have fun? Hoho! I seen alot of your B-day Photos!

It must be fun! Perhaps I should join you next year! Muah!

Wish you getting coolier and coolier every year!



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