



baby Sylues:

i miss u ^_^

i miss u ^_^



baby Sylues:

ooh how come u can online~?~~???

surprise me la^^+^^

so what time there?~^_6 ahah

miss die me la!!




baby Sylues:

what happen....just photos!! SHaRinG!!!

ummm and how come the comment disappears itself..




baby Sylues:

u know..

i dont know how to put the SHARPE photos here

~~~ sigh~~~



baby Sylues:

i know la.

u deleted them~~




baby Sylues:

so touching~~~~~~~~ ^_< 

and has a song~~~ opss...surprised die me la...

i love this song so much~~~~~

thxx my BABY@@ gonna cry la!!!




baby Sylues:

^_^ i am checking it out!!

its cool i can tell how nice it is and how good u are^_^

the songs are fabulouSSSSS,

but one of my pic just has been flattened^_^

heeee anyway i LOVE it^_^



baby Sylues:

SURE..that is a pretty cool lyric , it makes me feel so warm..its true~~

Seriously as u ^_^ i think i will dl the song too^_^

HEEHEH and keep listen to every DAY ,hours, mins, sec.

SSSSSSSSSSSSSShahahahahahahahaah and also missing u ^_



baby Sylues:

Dear...the song.hasnt appeared at that site~~


something connection problem~?~?~

umm by the way...

why cant u use msn gea?~



baby Sylues:

opps..i see~~

thats why~^_^

so u are in the net cafe now~^_^



baby Sylues:

so what time there ^_^?

when will u leave the cafe~?



baby Sylues:

why dont u reply me....>_<




wen ruuuu readyy to show ur facee




baby Sylues: matter what happen~ i will always stand by you..and just come to u ~~ ^_^ so u will never be alone! alright^_^ i always remember that u make me laugh .so i really treat u preciously^^ i just feel sad about that i cant share the sadness of urs but i would like to do so once u need me^_^okaY^_^ HEE i thought that u will not online and will not going to send me any message ~~ so its a bit surprised me~ i think u have ur own reason and have ur own stuff to solve.. but life is like that..happy..sad..happy and sad...a cycle~~ so just take it easy .and u will find tomorrow will be a wonderful day. Trust me^_^



baby Sylues:

DEAR^_^ i will miss u everyday since u told me..and i do miss u ^_^ ITS true^^^^

wanna hear ur voice!!!EHEHE so u have to take care LA^_^

and come back to chat with me.

i am sure this will be super fun^_^

caz u are my Lo Gong~~dont forget IT^_^



baby Sylues: sad...

when u said that u have no idea when will u back....

so so so sos so so so so sad~~



baby Sylues:

HEY dear~~ i feel SOSOSOSO happy but sad as well..when i see ur message its full of love~~ right..caz u are not around..and u also have no idea when will u be back, i do understand u cant figure the problem out right this moment..and i hope u can be strong , to fight with those variables and those things make u sad... tell u what^_^ the happiest thing for me to do is to write u messages or got ur reply in an every signle day..i think its already enough(not that mean i dont wanna meet u or hear ur voice..if able..i OF cas wanna meet u up~~) but this moment i precious those messages so much`^^ since..we are far far apart... and some more..i do miss u everyday KA~~..caz i dont know what to do beside missing u ~~



baby Sylues:

i miss u when i am alone..when i am in the bus.when i am listening to the song that u introduced to me...when i am ready to sleep..when i do everything...but not in the toilet.....@ YA!! absolutly not~caz i dont wanna TOO smelly~~(well .its depends la...actually..mine isnt too smelly..heeehee sometimes i eat so less and even become a veggie ka la~--eat too less( caz i have no time and no one eat with me) by the way ..i feel its impolite to miss someone who is so important~~~HEEHEE^_^ but if i do miss u in the toilet .please forgive me..thats only because i cant contral to miss u LA~~HAHAAHAAHAH i dont wanna ask u ..when will u back...i dont wanna know..caz once u know.u will let me know..lets see and keep wait happily^_^ having someone to miss to ..its such a luck~( dont u think so ?---caz that means u still holding a heart of LOVE.. u know both how to love and how to be loved.)




baby Sylues:

"I will come to you"

i got it. thx my baby~



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