
It has been a long long time since I have having writing this journal again.  These past months have been fucked as usual.  Somehow the older a person gets, the more worries he have.  I was pretty much a dying man whom was in agony. I often wonder when is this stuff going to be ceased? This was way too provocative as tons of my attempts and efforts have been all wasted.  I was torn and tormented! Roads seems to be full of obstacles and I, was not be able to pass thru it by myself.  Ironically, all my attempts have spontaneously  become sabotages to my recovery road. This to me, was like a life battle. I would never imagine that all my so called "attempts" would actually jeopardize my chances of success. This matter has been dragged way far too long. Two years are coming down to road now, and nothings changed. Things were exactly the same as before. All these self-remorse and shames have condemned me to a suicidal thought. These remorse and shames were too devastating and overwhelming as they provoked much of my feelings, such as suicide. I  conceded that I had lost the battle and was totally powerless over it. I guess reaching out and seeking help perhaps would be the only remaining alternatives. But the crucial question is that whom? Who can I really talk to? Who can fully understand my problem and with absence of discriminations? This kind of person hardly exists!!! In the absence of professional assistance, I have literally becoming a scum-bag. Sun is no longer shining splendidly and the night seems to be eternally dark. Although I endeavored to tear apart this darkness, but the light was always hidden.  All I have seen was pure of darkness, light seems to be absolutely inexistence. It was pathetic to watch my condition deteriorate day by day.  But there was nothing I can do about it?! I sooner discovered that I was in a maze. A maze that has been holding my hostage for all my life. Although I endeavored to get out from the maze, but I found myself was actually walking to the dead-end. People often says "A dead body is without sensation", but that is pretty much me, alive but without sensation. I knew this would have to come an end as this has become too devastating. But I was powerless to rectify the situation despite I was desperate for change. Now that another four months passed by, the current situation still remained the same. What else can I do? Should I just surrender my life now? Or should I be fighting for it now? This has been driven me crazy. Somewhere long the line, I was desperate to fight and getting myself out from the maze. But the temptations and evils were enormous. They were old rivals vying with me during my recovery. They always conquer my persistence and dragging me back to the maze. They have been playing a wicked game with terrific manipulations, and me, was always being defeated. But should this be the end? No, No way! Although this might seem to be a relatively difficult task, but there should always be a way out.  Where there is a will, there is a way. The crucial factor is the willingness to change.  With an indomitable will, I should be able to overcome all the obstacles that I have encountered during the war. I would have made strenuous efforts to improve my life. This was my only way and perhaps my last opportunity to get out from the maze. I have to remind myself the beauty of the world, and the wonderful feelings of having a glamorous complete life. This would not happen over night and patience was the key. Life would only exist when one is willing to devote completely to it. Sacrifice comes within the change, and painful feelings might last weeks and months. Devils again would be actively seeking chances to attack my faith.  These psychological attacks cannot be under estimated, as a minor failure would indeed jeopardize my recovery road. One failure would put everything back into square one again.  But with cautious mind and persistent will power, the sun is yet to come! A Glimpse of the light over an once-eternal darkness sky, Yesterday was once full of sorrows as no one thereto guides, Confusion leads endlessly trauma as real me gradually subsides, Struggling for the better endeavor to overcome all tides, One day sun suddenly appears and perfect life finally lies.  Written By gOdZfZAiR


Happy Chinese New Year!Well, Finally has arrived to this big huge day.  Another two hours, it will be Chinese New Year.  Actually, a lot of people are extremely enjoy Chinese New Year and they always look forward to it.  But for me, I guess that just makes me feel anything better.  I don't know why perhaps because the older one gets, the more one hates..... Even when I was young, I rarely celebrate CNY with my parents since I was always isolated with them.  When I was in High School, they were back in Hong Kong.  As time went by, I guess I just become so numb about this festival.  Except for the fact that I get a few days off from work, there is nothing that makes me happy about this CNY holiday.  Especially the last couple years, my relatives were asking about my marriages and my work, these were killing me.  Actually, I didn't know how to face them.  Of course, I would also want to get married as soon as possible.  But the problem is that marriage is not a game, it is a life long thing.  Decision has to be made carefully.  Actually, the problem for me is that I don't even have a gf. now.  Maybe I am just not attractive enough.  Before I don't used to think such a way.  But recently and reality makes me believe that I have no more market already.  I guess now I just have to wait.  Only Fate can give what I want.  Anyways, This 2012, as I promised myself earlier, I have to make it as my best year ever.  So in here, Wish myself and everyone a great year and hope everyone best of luck in the year of Dragon.


VancouverAuntie's houseIt was super surprise for me that I actually received Auntie Wong's phone call today.  She went back to Hong Kong for this CNY.  I was so happy that she has finally come back to HK.  She has always been my life-saver.  Without her, I don't think I am still alive today.  There has been a number of occasions that I have almost lost my life.  But thanks to her, I am still living in this shitty world today.  Actually I have still remembered that there was one time when I was in Canada.  I was so so so closed to death.  I started to lose my eye sight, then my hearing... everything has started to fade away.. I could still remember the scene.  Before that incident, I really wanted to die... but while the death come closer, I started to feel scare.  The fear of death has been way too overwhelming!  I was so afraid......  But luckily, Auntie has come in time and she sent me to hospital right away.  The doctor said that I was way too lucky coz if I have arrived 20 mins or so later, I would be dead by then.  Anyways, my life belongs to her.  If she asked me to do whatever, I surely will not think or argue about it. Anyways, I am so happy that she come.. and I indeed would be looking forward to meet her soon. 


Dwell Not On The Past  Use It To Illustrate A Point And Leave It BehindOnce there is a life, there is an opportunity. Life is irreplaceable, the strongest, most sparkling amour in which given by God. Even when suffering endlessly trauma, tremendous grief & lost all of the belongings or anyone around, as long as Life remain stills, it can still exalt its unlimited power, and generates unimaginable miracle. Never give up and Miracle happens as long as Life remains. This seems to be quite positive. But in reality how easy would it be?  Sometimes I think talking or writing is way too easy... and it is super difficult when it comes down to action.  Somewhere along the line, we always have to face obstacles, challenges and how often we can overcome till the end?  Today I am absolutely powerless! I am powerless over everything. I don't seem to find my way thru. If there is a god, would you be able to help me thru? I was lost! Really Lost! Sun is no longer shining splendidly and the night seems to be eternally dark. Although I endeavored to tear apart this darkness, but the light was always hidden.  All I have seen was pure of darkness, light seems to be absolutely inexistence. It was pathetic to watch my condition deteriorate day by day.  But there was nothing I can do about it?! I sooner discovered that I was in a maze. A maze that has been holding my hostage for all my life. Although I endeavored to get out from the maze, but I found myself was actually walking to the dead-end!!! When I can get out?! HELP!!


Old Pics!Recently I have been having suicide thoughts¡K.. I just couldn¡¦t stop myself of thinking about it.  Somehow I wonder what am I doing with my life now? I felt so tired and helpless.  I just wanna get it over with. I started to lose my faith. I don¡¦t know what is the meaning of living and the purpose of surviving.  God, who can help me? Who can tell me? I am so tired of everything. I felt so sick and tired of every single thing.  I am so afraid of facing the reality. I have been hiding myself for far too long.  I was not able to tell anyone of how I really feel and how I really am.  I felt so scared, lonely, ashamed and just couldn¡¦t take it anymore.  It have been a no. of occasions that I would just wanna jump down from the top of the building straight to the ground.  I was scared ¡K. Really scared.. afraid¡Kreally afraid¡K pain¡Kreally painful¡K The only time I could feel better is when I was dreaming¡K That is why I have been spending most of the time trying to make myself sleep¡K Only by dreaming, I would felt sense of belonging.. and only by dreaming, I could be able to stop all these weird and bad feelings that inside me¡K. They are killing me so much that I am afraid one day I would just ended up suicide¡K really ¡K I don¡¦t know what to do! I don¡¦t have any energy or strength to fight against it any more.  I am tired.. I am afraid.. I am finished¡K¡K¡K

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