
MeI am once at the crossroad again...I was kinda silly and naive.. in fact has been always like that! I really hate myself for being so impatient at times. I should have to think carefully for all da actions that I have done whilst they all lie with the consequences. I really did regret for what I have done yesterday. I guess that was such a big mistake! I kept being defeated by the Devil and always disappointed the Angel side of me?! It was pretty much the saddest and toughest time in my life now. I have really come across this feelings for sometime and I thought it would never appeared again. But here I am.. once again in the crossroad... didn't know which path to go and lost all my interests in life. Sometimes I was thinking why don't I just forget about my life? Since I was so hurt, tons of pain, lots of guilt... I just didn't know what to do? If I ever have a choice? or If there is ever a "turning back in life"? Just once, I would be super appreciated... But I guess life wouldn't work this way! Itz all live show, no rehearsal! You are allow to take one shot only for everything that you do! And I guess that makes life tough and challenge?! I really don't think I have the capability to fight right now. In fact, I am getting sick and tired of turning back and forth. Back and forth! How I wish I have ever made any bad mistakes before... How I wish I could just sit back and relax in the beach without any worries. But the truth is?! I cant and I wont! God, I am sorry for keep bitching about it! I knew there are tons of the people out there that are 10000 times worst than me.. and there are tons of people that are 1000000 times more suffer than me?! But I guess letting something out from the chest would be a good idea to relief some of your pains! Anyways, god, please... just a little help?! I sincerely hope that I can make through it this time?! But I know without your help, I wont be able to do it?! So please, may god be with me?!


Janus TamJanus TamReally Glad to know Ms. Janus Tam... Never expect to find someone that is so good hearted and sincere. I thought she was like those "Flirting" type initially... but she really did turn out the opposite... Surprisingly?! I would never expect to get to know someone like her. She really did appear as a kind, nice and understanding person which has tons to offer and lots of gifts. Shez gifted with alot of talents, smart and "easy to approach". I think thatz really amazing that she still has so many good qualities... especially in this damn bloody cold place like Hong Kong. REally, I am super grateful to have her as a friend... I am mostly impressed with her social skills. She is a talkative, considerate girl which takes account of he needs and feelings of others,... and conducts herself with an attitude od deep respect towards others. I have talked with Janus on a variety of subjects. Her mind is very quick and can easily separate of what is important from what isn't.. I guess we would never running out of topics... Coz she is just so friendly and sincere that people would easily opens their heart for her. She is super intelligent, a good listener and expresses herself with fact and clarity... I highly enjoy talking with Janus and feel that I can learn from her from alot of aspects... Anyways, I guess her good qualities are tremendous... and surely there'z way more while I really get to know her... I guess the best description about her would be: " She is like a light in dark, people will just draw to her coz of her brightness?!" I am super proud to have her as a friend... Even though, I will have to go back next Monday... and I know I am going to miss her... But I guess a real friend lies from within ... and no matter where you are... your heart will always have him or her... and I swear that I am going to treasure her the most... Coz it is not easy to have a friend with so much of good qualities and so much of gifts... In short, I would like to thank you, Janus for coming into my life... and cheer me up when I was down... Thanks and wish you all the best in everything... and will always pray for you?! Take good care!!! And hopefully we can have some mad fun when I come back from Canada?!


George Bush & Osama Bin LadenWatch the news today... Feeling kinda sad and hopeless... Itz super sad to see some Korean people being held hostages by the Taliban Troops. That was fucking insane and nuts?! How could you possibly kidnapped someone that is innocent and without weapons?! Those Taliban people were fucking devils and nuts. They should get what they deserve?! If there is a god, please send them to hell immediately?! Another sad news was that... one of the Korean was confirmed death right after few days of the kidnap took place. According to the report, most of these Koreans are volunteers or medical doctors .... they were there to save and giving a helping hand to those people who were suffered from the cold bloody war. God, that was way scary?! I wish there is no war and no argument in this world. I really didn't understand why one has to kill the other?? Killing and revenge will never never end. The only way to end an argument or fight will be shaking hands...and live peacefully together... Sometimes, I wonder how civilize are we? I think we are just like the old days whereby A kills B because A doesn't like B?! Sooner or later, the world war three is gonna come if we kept doing stupid things like that?! May be the world that we are living in is meant to be like that... May be there must be some kind of evil...so we know what is angel?! May be there must be war, so we know what is Peace?! If this is a must... I wish I would never have to see this must?! I wish my life will always be boring... I hate and didn't wanna see any excitements! such as 911, Terrorist attack...hostages... wow... just makes me sad... I really did crying deep down inside... Coz that must be super painful for a family to lose their Children... I think that would be super painful.... God please stop the war?! Bush please stop fighting and shake hands with Laden... If you two can get alone well... Our world will then become a better place?


My mum was comin' back from Business Trip (China) today... I went to take a taxi straight from my house to da train station down in Hung Hom... and as I walked along to the train... and lookin' at the train station... as shown below... I really flashback my memory.... And May be I have been talking with Janus yesterday nite until 4am... and I was super exhausted...but couldn't be able to go back to sleep .. So I went over to my room..and started to read some letters from before....... and some old photos...that really made me "think"...all these...plus the environment in da train station...really made me feel so sad?! Coz when I am lookin' at myself now... I am pretty much like those passengers in the train..... have to head off some other places again...and have to leave home for quite some time...and guess what the feeling is? it sucks?! Big time... Anyways.. After reading some letters from before...I finally realized how lucky I was before...I had tons of people that loves me...and willing to take good care of me...for all times...well...at least for that moment..they were williin' to do so according to their letters... But it was so sad that...the ones who used to call me "Lao gong", "Honey", "Baby", whatever names they are...were no longer around me...some of them even lost contact?! It was very sad... And I was talking with Janus today...and she did ask me one interesting question, that is "How many girl friends that you had before?" She thought I was having more than 10..or around 10.. But to be frank, I also didnt know... All I knew was...that would be more than 30 at least... ?! Who wants to count anyways? Counting it was indeed a painful thing for me.. Having alot of exes were not something that one should proud for... In fact, it was ashame...coz that means you arent good enough..coz if you are, you wont be losing your girl friends...or you wont be dumping your gfs. Maybe the old folks was right?! Friends will be the only person that will not leave you?! But couple? No... They will always walked away from you....it just the matter of time.. Anyways, I was reading Ting Ting's letter yesterday...and it was so touching... She told me that I have taught her what is love?! and How to be Loved and how to love? I didn't realize..until I have read her letter again... The letter was sent to me 2 years ago..but until today...I have finally realized...that how good she is?! I used to think that she was like those girl that likes to play play play..and she likes everybody love her...! and guys go crazy on her?! But...No...I was totally wrong?! No wonder Clare kept askng me to be with her again...haha...but I don't think so..coz she was too far away from me...and I really didn't think that I deserve to have her... coz she was too good for me?! Anyways, when I think of Ting Ting, then I will think of Clare, Minli, Vivian, franky, Billy...Likso..Kenny...Lim...and on and on.. Where are you guys now? Howz life for you all? I really do Miss you?! Coz you all have been such support for me...without you all, I will not be able to finish up my degree...without you all, I will never be able to make it through the day...you all are my Angels..inspirations and life... it is so sad that you all are not around me... Sometimes I wish I could migrate to your place...and live with you all...coz the joy and happiness that we had before was indeed tremendous...and unforgotten!! I will always remember the 12 of us hiding in my place and sharing ghost stories...and all of us cooking everyday...Ting Ting's fried potato rice...haha...Coffemate Sushi... Frankly the cook, Rex the stupid soup maker...that makes everyone sick the next day?! haha...that was fun... and the time that we went yum cha...and the way that we talk to each other.. calling each other Baby.. doesn't matter if we are guys or girls...we just don't care..coz we are proud to have our life living in this way... right? oh gosh...I am really feeling down...I really hope that I don't have to go for six months.. so that I can save up more money..and come to your place and visit you all. I really do miss you all?! Before I say bye to ms. Journal, I would like to type a lyrics in here: Seems like yesterday we used to rock the show I laced the track, you locked the flow. So far from hangin' on the block for dough, Notorious they got to know: that Life ain't always what it seem to be. Words can't express what you mean to me. Even though you're gone, we still a team Thru your family. I'll fulfill your dreams In the future. can't wait to see if you'll Open up the gates for me.  Reminisce sometime the night they took my friend. Try to black it out, but it plays again. When it's real feelings hard to conceal. Can't imagine all the pain I feel! Give anything to hear half your breath, I know you still livin' your life after death! Every step I take, Every move I make, Every single day Everytime I pray, I'll be missing you! Thinking of the day, When you went away, What a life to take, What a bond to break, I'll be missing you!!!

Hung Hom Railway StationHung Hom Railway Station


MeIt has been rough and tough for me lately... It is the most difficult day for me... I really didn't want to do that?! Six months again?! That is surely something that I didn't want to do?! Six months man? that is like across 2008?! that is way too much?! way too heavy?! I cant afford to do that?! But what the hell?! My dad has already done his best...but most likely I will have to spend another six months in Canada...But I really didn't want to do that ?! coz...I really miss my life in HK... Well...in certain extent that is for my own good...but I deep down inside...I will have to give up everything pretty much... that will include my job, my girl, my friends....pretty much everything...and I did promise my little sister Joanne and my best friend Clare that I am going to attend both of their weddings but I guess...that would be relatively difficult to do so... because of this stupid incident... God? Why did you have to do that to me? Even though it is not for sure...but somehow I knew that is going to be happened .... God, Please help me out?! If you still do care and still do give a shit about me?! Please do something about it?! I have already changed my whole personality inside out... I didn't do anything stupid any more?! I didn't even go out clubbing...or any sort of night activities..and all I do nowadays are attending counseling services, volunteer work... tutoring small kids...I have already done my best to change...and all I am asking here is a very last chance?! What have stopped you from helping me? or is that what you want with my life? Wasting it all?! I didn't know?! I wish I could be happy and typing something that is positive in here...but I cant coz..I am super sad and worry?! Is that what you want? you know what? Not having freedom is like living in da hell! I am serious?! May be you didn't know how I really feel...but let me tell you what?! I did feel shit and really wanna kill myself...and just end my life here..coz it is so stupid to waste another six months of not doing anything...I want my work..my career and everything?! If there is God, I know you will help me?! And all I am asking now..was just FREEDOM?!!!


Actually...I should of writing this journal on 19th... but then I was still busy with my thing... After spending whole day with my mum and da social worker...finally I have the result... I thought the result was good!! but after spending tremendous time talking to that and that...and of course I have also conducted a no. of researches...finally..I have come to the conclusion that it was not lucky...perhaps it was unlucky?! I didn't know and really don't know... Anyways, I have already done my very best...and aiming to get that result...but of course...it has always been the same...I will never get what I wanna get...but instead I will always get what I don't wanna get...eventhough it was not the worst...but still it is not good enough?!   I was so tense...and panic...throughout the day...and I knew my mum was hurt...worrying and crying too... Well....I knew that one should be responsible for his or her own action..but sometimes the price is just way too costly... I really don't think I should receive such gift...but what the fuck... anyways...the problems have been driving me nuts...I went for couple counseling sections and even devoted all my time to volunteer work...teaching small kids...but still I felt powerless and fuck up...so I went to see Mr. Cheng... the priest...and asking him for help...Well...to certain extent...he is right...he said...you will never know what is right and what is wrong...and what is good and what is bad?! you may think it is superbly bad...whilst somewhere down the road...it is good?! who knows what the future holds? only by surrender yourself to god...and listening from him...you will find your road thru.....he said that he can see the seed inside me...it just that something has stopped and blocked me from growing... He suggested me to go back to Christian fellowship again...but to be frank...I don't hate Christian fellowship...but it just that it is not okay for a Christian to smoke...and cigarette is pretty much my other life?! haha.... well..just kidding but anyways...I am still thinking about his words...I hope that I will be able to solve it out...sometimes I just hate myself..coz I was so powerless...and I was so stupid so less so empty that i cant do anything to change the whole scenario...whilst I used to think I have the power to change ...at least my own thing...but I guess it is not...my road sometimes is controlled by others...and that is what i don't wanna see..but that is just what happened to me? what will you do? if you are in my shoes? will you commit suicide? well..I really wanna do it?! May be I should? If life is so valuable...and so good...why there is still so many people are hurting and suffering out there? where is the love? where is the humanity? I cant find it?! if you know where is it, please bring me along with you?! Coz...my life is full of pain!


SnapShotHave you ever experienced Flying High in da sky? or have you ever dreaming of touch the sky?! Well...I did today...and the feeling is awesome?! Well...Guess what I did today? I couldn't put up with living that stupid place today....I did my very best...but the craving for smoke is getting more and more...and perhaps overwhelming...and then it finally get to the point that I couldn't put up with it anymore...coz I knew I would become crazy and insane...shortly....if I didn't go for a smoke...so guess what I do? I sneaked out to get a smoke..then went back to da house...and share my smoke with Roy...but that stupid fellow told another idiot...then we ended up sharing one cigarette with three people...that is pretty much crazy?!! Anyways...I really couldn't put up with it..so I decided to go out with Roy...and we decided not to go back to da house any more... no more...that is the last time for us...and that is all...coz I have enough of these shits...Anyways, we went to visit his friend... and his friend got us some stuffs...I didn't wanna do it at first...but then Roy kept persuading me...and forcing me...kept saying that ...that is enough...we should go out and have some mad fun...since we have finally left that shitty place...so I did a little bit with them....then we went out to get some beers...and we drank and drank...until...we are like idiots...laughing at each other... haha...that is so stupid....I thought I would be able to forget what happened to me and Jacq. by doing that...but I don't think so...coz the problem is still there...and I felt like shit...coz I kept vomitting ...even though I didn't eat much today...but still....I guess that have to do with the alcohol...Anyways....life is still shit...and I hate it so much...and I promised myself that I will never never never do this stupid shit again...coz that is fucking stupid and naive?!


JacquelineJacquelineIt is a really sad day for me...Finally I have to leave my little baby, Jacqueline and get moving to that stupid damn place. I felt kinda sad and sorry..... hurt and painful... I have no choice but have to lie to her... You know...the feeling is kinda hard for me... coz I really hate lying...especially about relationship kinda thing... Even though she promised me that she is going to wait for me...and she will be a good little girl and will never "kau chai" until I get back... but the problem is that...I don't want her to wait for me... In fact, I don't think she will wait for me anyways... I didn't wanna be so realistic....but that is basically what happens in the reality... You just cant expect people wait for you!!! Coz...that just doesn't work in the world that we are living in today?! Time is pretty much money?! As far as I know... And everybody loves Money? Don't tell me that you don't?! Anyways, back to my day?! I got up at around Ten... that went out for a quick lunch ! McDonald again?! Yes...that is my favorite?! After that, I went to a supermarket pick up some junk foods and stuffs....then went back home...picked up one large "LV" bag...then...taking a taxi to that stupid fucking place... I was pretty much torture?! feeling extremely powerless...I wish that I have couple of million dollars now...coz if I have it...I will indeed migrate to another country.... I just wanna go to a different place whereby I can start my whole new life there again?! Hong Kong...no doubt has been given me tremendous of happiness and Joy...but at the same time, it did give me tremendous of sadness, grief and losses.... Sometimes....I am thinking ....is god fair? I think he does?! coz if he is not, I wont be getting all these shits... I think all these resulted as what I have done previously...well...I have to admit that I did alot of bad things before... especially in relationships kinda thing... I was so easy to be with someone...It has always been funny...that I can go out with a girl when I just met her once..or even couple hours... don't you think that is insane?! And after being together with her for like few days, then I have realized that she was not my cup of tea...and then I just fuck off...that is really a jerk?! I think.... No wonder I am getting all these shits all these while...coz it is a punishment from god... Like this time...finally managed to find someone that is so sweet...and pure... that is what I think anyways... coz she didn't even go "party" or whatever...that is considered Pure...for me anyways... I am so so so so much in love...and she has been sms-ing me all da time....and her msg. was just so lovely...and that is how I make thru my days...coz of her...without her, my life will be miserable...I knew.......well....what can I do? Really don't wanna lose her...but nothing much I can do I guess? All I can do perhaps...was praying that I can finish up my thing a.s.a.p. but I doubt it?! If love is romantic?! I wish she will be waiting for me?! but will she?


This is the worst day of my life ...... I still couldn't forget the whole scenario....starting from Shek Kip Mei until Shum Shui Po... The whole incident was super fucked up...scary...and I don't know...I was super regret...and upset about this shit... I really didn't think that this could happened to me again?! I guess this must be happened for a reason from God!!! But Fuck?! Who is da God? Why such of thing did happen to me? Why did he do this for? Fuck!! I hate you!! If there is a God!!! or a Dog?! I didn't mean to insult you!!! But really that surely is a tragedy for me?! for you....that may be a small piece of cake...but for me that was a fucking big huge deal?! I would lost pretty much everything because of this!!! Fuck!!!! For fuck sake, why did you do that for? I knew that I must face certain responsibility for my own action...but what about you? Did you really wanna see me CRAWL? see me dead? Is that what you want from me? If that is so,...I tell you what... you are going to get it pretty soon!! I have already checked out certain building from Kwun Tong...whereby would be a perfect place to jump down from... I am pretty sure...My body will be broken into pieces...and I am going to die afterwards.... That is what you wanna see, Right? God...I am sorry to keep bitching it... but to be frank, I am super upset...and super powerless... I understand that you are trying to save me from a harsh way...but that is really too much for me... I don't think I can handle it.... Besides... Time is super important to me...I am sure you know what I mean!!! Anyways...God..... I still remember the story of the footprint....and I sincerely do hope now me and you are the exact example of the footprint!! Can you promise me that? Please do!!! me?


Mother¡¦s day today!! I have bought a nice little bracelet to my mum!! She really likes it!! Haha¡Kof course, I am da one who chose it and I always have a good taste!! Haha!! Kidding¡K.Well, it has been quite a long time for me!!! I have been suffering sleeping disorder lately and haven¡¦t managed to have an eight hour straight sleep lately!!! This is such a hurting for me whilst I am those type of people that needs to be sleeping for more than eight hours a day.  If possible, I would prefer ten hours. Actually, I don't know why but just that I really need to sleep.  My sleeping record is 30hours straight.  This has done whilst I was in university.  That was pretty insane, isn't it?  Imagine someone can sleep more than a day without any food or getting up. Haha.  Anyways, kinda lazy to type my journal lately¡K..I guess I should put more effort to it¡K.haha¡K Anyways, will see ya again tomorrow, Ms. Journal!!!


Today's a special day for me. I went back to da Dragon today and had a meeting with ex-boss, Mr. Lee. Surprisingly both Canny and Mr. Lee wanted me to re-join the company!!! I was shocked that most of da staffs especially the "high positions" and managerial levels all think that I was really good at work!!! Most of them have praised my performances and attitude at work!! I was really shocked coz frankly I didn¡¦t think I have been giving 100% effort during the last time working there. Anyways, I will be joining the work force again (on the 21st) upon long discussion with Mr. Lee. I will indeed give my best shot this time!! Itz not easy to find a company that really likes and appreciates your work especially in Hong Kong-this bloody cold and cruel business environment!!! Anyways, Looking forward to work in HK Dragon again!!!


MeAfter spending nearly 5 months in there... Finally I have accomplished of what I had accomplished!! Thank god!! Hong Kong is still like Hong Kong!!! The pace is still super fast and people are still the same!!! Not much of differences!!! Anyways, I was worrying about not able to get used to the life anymore whilst I have already developed my unique kinda habit!!! Well, itz quite true that I didn't get used to it initially..... But everything is getting better and better eventually... Anyways, I went for little massage today!!! WEll...for sure!!! since I have been so "Sincere" for such a long time!!! I guess itz time to get little wild, isn't it?! Well...Still worrying about my commission!!! Just worry that I might not be able to collect it since I left my company without any notice in advance!!! Thatz a bit too much but like I said...I really have no choice!!! For da people that knew me well, they sure knew that I wouldn't be like that....There must be a strong reason of why I have become like that!!! Anyways, I am super glad that finally all da bad and dark days were gone!!! Starting to see the sun light!!!! Anyways....thatz pretty much for today and Ms. Journal, I will remember to keep you in touch every minute every day!!!! Adioz, Ms. Journal!


Me & YvonneYvonneMe & Yvonne

Received a call from Joanne today. She told me that she would be getting married with ah Lung next year. Well, Right on and Congratulations?! Its always cool to see a couple get married... But when will be my turn?! Haha. I didn't think I would since my right one'z still disappeared or not yet appeared. Anyhow, we talked about Yvonne as she told me about her good news. Yvonne, My ex girlfriend. Joanne was once super close with her or considered "Sisters". She made me think about alot of stuffs. I still remember how I got together with her. She was working in the pub as a waitress while Amanda, ah Jun's ex girl friend was working in da same pub. I still believed that it all happened from God's will. Why? Coz I didn't want to go to the pub with ah Jun initially since my gf. that time Mi Shell wanted to spend the night in my place with me. Anyways, Vanson and Jun kept persuading and nagging me... and get to the point that it has become way too much annoying. So I said, why didn't we flip a coin? I will go with you guys if the coin is head?! Guess what happened? Yeap, it ended up with the Head. So pretty much I have no choice but to go with them. We took a taxi to the pub since ah Jun supposed to meet up her new gf. at that time. Then we arrived to the pub, Amanda came by and served us... and at the same time, Yvonne came as well... So I started to talk to her with English and she was kinda surprised and shocked?! She said she was basically an English Speaker.. so shez kinda happy when someone who can speak English fluently with her. I was kinda high and happy at that time probably because of the drink?! So I started to "cut" her in a way.. and we started to kiss after we met each other like for an hour. She did give me her phone no. and agreed to date me the day after. We were there until probably 4 to 5am. Then I and Jun rent a hotel room nearby her place. We got up early in da morning and went to a shopping centre. That was then the first day I with her. Our relationship was pretty harsh. Coz She told me honestly that she's actually living with her bf. She told me that she hate her bf. coz her bf. always punches her and treats her badly. Actually I didn't expect her to choose me since I lied to her as well. I didn't tell her anything about mi-shell whilst I was still considering. I went back home after our date and Mi-Shell kept asking me where did I go? I lied to her. I said that I was in my Uncle's house. I am sorry but no choice...coz I didn't wanna hurt you?! Two days later, I just couldn't stop thinking of her... So I went to Joanne's House. Actually, she always stays in Joanne's house.. We did have great fun over there... and all of sudden, her bf. arrived at Joanne's house. Yvonne was kinda scared coz she said her bf. was kinda gangster shit. Jun was happened in the house as well, so he called up his gangster friends. Within 15 mins, there were about 20 people in Joanne's house. Yvonne's bf. then finally left the place...may be he got scared?! haha! Anyways, after that incident, we just kept getting closer and closer. We always spend overnight together in Joanne's place... and until later something happened, and she then disappeared... It was kinda tough for me... coz I really did devote myself to her. I even broke up with Mi-shell because of her. But anyways, all of sudden she lost contact?! So what can I do?! Nothing, right?! One month later, she called me all of sudden at 3am in the morning. She told me that she finally broke up with her bf... and shez now in the hospital because her nose was broken due to the smash hit by her ex. bf. I didn't know why I came up with this phase. Perhaps I was once hurt too much, so I said, "I didn't even know we have ever started before?" Then she was kinda mad, so she hung up the phone and sms me with two words: "FUCK YOU". I laughed... I didn't know why I have reacted like that... but perhaps that she really did hurt me quite much. Anyways, I saw her once right after this incident. She was with two guys in da disco. She told ah Jun that the only person she will marry is ME. Then Ah Jun asked her what about those two guys? She said...mmm they are just my boy friends. Haha! I was laughing crazily after ah Jun told me that.. Coz I really did think she was fooling a shit?! Who will believe her? Anyways, a year gone by, I was in HK... and she called me once... told me that shez now a model in KL. Congratulations?! She asked me when am I going to marry her?! I replied, " when you have learnt how to become a 100% faithful girl!" But to be frank, I didn't think our love was fake. Coz I could feel it ..right? haha.. I didn't know.. Anyways, she was surely the special one for me... always and ever!


It has been the worst year I have so far..... this year was like the nightmare for me. Never expected to spend a new year like that?! This could be competed with the worst year that I had in Canada. Both sucks! But I guess this time would be somewhat worst that the worst one that I had in Canada. I have never imagined that I would spend New Year in such a place... There was no fun, joy and happiness in here. All we had in here was basically death, hell, down, depression and destruction. It was indeed the worst nightmare that I had. I wish I was dreaming... but it was not... The best part of the worst was that at least my younger brother was with me... Eventhough it was super tough for me... but at least my younger brother was around. Thank God for that... Huh! Fuck the world?! My Christmas 2006 was also a nightmare for me... But at least Ah Yau and his friend were with me during the Christmas... and we sang crazily thruout the day?! In terms of New year, my best new year time would be probably 2 years back, 2005. I still remember I went down to a rave party held in Kowloon Centre during that time. I was there with my sister and Zacky (also known as Vi Vi). And that was my first time meeting Zacky. Actually, I kinda like her when I first saw her. But of course, I wouldn't say anything at the beginning. Anyways, we went to the party together...and my little sister was too busy to run around the whole place. Coz my sister knew so many people out there. And Zacky also has her friends waiting for her to join them at that place. Anyways, it was amazing that Zacky told me that she didn't wanna join them... so She ended up with me most of the time... Anyways, we kept on dancing for quite sometime... until both of us was kinda tired... then we sat against the wall on the right hand side of the dancing floor. May be Zacky was way too tired... So she has put her head on my shoulder...and that was so sweet?! And all of sudden, I didn't know what gave me the courage or guts?! I started to put my hands across her shoulders and hugged her from behind. Luckily, she didn't refuse me...and instead, she even lying closer to me. I was just like a chair to her. haha.. human chair?! And guess what I did the next? I started to hold her right hand...by reaching my hand across over her shoulder. Luckily, she didn't reject me as well... that must be my lucky day?! haha.. And then, she started to turn her head over...and looking at me... Then I knew what should I do next... that was... haha... I slowly moved my head toward her..and started to kiss her... yeap.. we did french kiss for so long... such a long time... and it felt so good that...coz may be the music...and the environment... just felt super cool and awesome... May be the holiday mood really makes me felt kinda high.. Anyways, we left at around 5am... and that was surely my best new year ever?! Well...It was always sad that our relationship didn't last long... We were together for like about 2 weeks..and we then finished... I am so sorry Zacky?! It just that I didn't want to lie to you... I had tried so hard... but just didn't have the feeling... May be we shouldn't start too fast... but anyways, you will always in my memory... coz you have given me the best gift.. that is my best New Year in Hong Kong?! Thanks Zacky?! and will always think of you?!


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