

We are having exhibition in the past week. Surprisingly the whole exhibition went so smoothly.   Guess who managed to receive the most customer base? Of course... That is me?! haha.   I have been walking around with ah Wing... and thank god, ah Wing was kinda cool... So we managed to meet large no. of people...actually mostly are like girls... haha. Ah Wing is one hell of "ham sop lo" haha.   Yeap one thing about the exhibition... There was one booth that hired two models for promotion purpose. They kinda wear sexy... and thatz why alot of people were in their booth... Anyways, I was walking by with ah Wing, and both of them give us the leaflet... since it was their job.. So ah Wing and me are abit talkative... so we started to chit chat... and funny that... they both just kept talking with us... until their boss were freaking out... their boss started to get mad and asked them to talk to us after work. So Ruby and AK that were their names...gave us their business card with mobile phone no. Well... It was always cool to meet some new friends... especially model friends..right?



HK Dragon OfficeFinally, I have decided to resign today. I knew itz such a waste especially for my career!! Thiz actually the first time I have gained fully trust and support from a company! In addition, this also the first time I can have my own little department!!! I still remember the highest position I have ever made was An Assistant Business Development Manager in Cheong Ming (A Publicly Listed Corporation in Hong Kong). I held the second highest position in the department!!! But it was also a waste!!! I was there for just 6 or 7 months...then I had an argument with the boss...and thaz why I quitted a the end!! Anyways, two things happened!! Firstly, I have lost my job due to my self resignation. Secondly, I have spent quite some time with some strangers for a period of time now! Itz indeed rough for me!!! Sometimes I wish I could turn back time!!! But guess what....itz not gonna work!!! Sometimes I wonder if god is making fun on me?! Why he keeps on giving me chances but then took it away after just very short of time?! I wonder??? May be it is even better that if he didn't give to me initially!!! Taking it away after giving out for a very short duration of time was indeed super pain in da Ass!!!! No Joke!!! Anyways, thanks Mr. Lee and Steven's helps and believes!! They're the one who have been fully trusted and supported me since the first day I joined HK Dragon!!! Without them, I wouldn't be able to find my unique way of sales or being a professional sales!!! They have been taught me very much and I am sure Itz gonna benefit me no matter where I am going to work in the near future!!! Anyways.... too sad, that I have to leave just like that.... Couldn't even say a bye to anyone!!! But anyways.........life goes on!!!


Me & BeckyIt has been a no. of years since I broke up with Becky... and even though I am no longer feeling the pain and hurt... But surely, she will always be the one that inside my heart deeply. Becky, you know what?! You were once so important to me...and surely meant alot to me as well. Without you, I didn't think I would manage to get my (Hons) degree. Without you, I didn't think that I would be able to get mostly A's in all of my subjects and... I didn't think I would understand what is "true love" and "Real love"! To be honest, I have to confess that I did lie to you once. But just once only...I Knew I shouldn't be doing it... but just that it just happened. Ulia was once my gf. And while I was with you, I also went out with her. I was so sorry about it. But really Ulia and me...was kinda Romance and very hard to resist... Coz when we firstly met each other, we just fell deeply in love. And later, the most impossible thing happened!!! We found out that we are actually born in the same day?! Exactly same year, same month, same day?! Think of that?! What is the probability is like?! It surely would be once in million times... I knew that I was so selfish... and love is not about that?! Love should not rely on birthday or whatsoever. But to be frank, both two of you did mean so much to me at that time. Anyways, God is always fair! After being with you two for like a month, some stupid idiots who knew both of you...told you two about my stuffs. and that of course has made me losing both of you?! I was so down and sad. I knew that it was surely my fault. And after that, I finally realized that the one that I love was you?! that was for sure... Then I started to do my very best to get you back in my life again. And thank god, you finally willing to be back to my life... and we had tremendous fun and happiness throughout the period that we're together. Perhaps we were both young that time...and we did alot of stupid things..like sneaking into your bed at nite...and you sneaking out and drove to my apartment at nite.. all these was surely a wonderful memory for me... And the most important thing was that your parents finally willing to accept me... and they both treated me super nice..just like I was their son?! The happy times went on so fast... After being together for like two years...things just changed... I had gone downhill due to alot of shits happened with my brother... I was basically torned?! I didn't think you would understand coz you will never understand. It was super difficult for one who never experienced that before to actually understand... so I wont blame you... but that was super painful. I still remember the scene... the day that I drove nearby your house..coz I found out that you were lying to me... you told me that you were sleeping at home whilst your mother told me that you were never at home... And then, you asked me to come to your place.. so I did, and you told me that you wanna break up?! I was so sorry that I was so hurt and painful. So I did something which I have never done before. That was "Crying" in front of you... I asked you for a second try?! but you said "No". When I saw your face, I saw you with the strong determination?! So, I knew that was no turning back... and after that moment onwards, I knew I would be losing you life time long... And then I drove back home...and afterwards, I have been locking myself in my apartment for nearly six months... I didn't pick up my phone... Even my dad called from HK. I wont even pick up the phone... All of sudden, I have disappeared. And you, was being such a nice person! I knew you went to my apartment so many times... sometimes with your mum, your friends and even my friends...trying to talk to me and comfort me... But I just wont listen..and never reply you...I wouldn't even wanna go out coz I knew that you were waiting for me outside of my apartment. I was so sorry?! But the pain was just too much?! I just couldn't handle it... Anyways, my aunt from hk came...coz she was sent by my dad... then she was crying heavily in front of me and asking me to go back hk with her... and after isolated for six months...I guess that was the time for me to stand back up. So I did, I went back to hk... and that was it... Me and you were over?! Well, even though we still kept contact thru msn or sometimes thru phone..and you would also send me birthday cards and letters during special occasion...and even did go to HK once to visit me...and you knew what? that time you were in hk for like 10 days...but I only went out with you one day?! You knew why? Coz I still having feelings for you?! I thought I have already let go of you...but I didn't.. if I didn't see you, things would still be okay...coz I have changed my personality already... My attitude towards love was so different... I used to be an little angel...and now I have become a playboy... didn't really care about it... Just simply with a girl...mmm... I should call it "to have a gf. because of the sake that I want a gf." whilst I used to be "with someone because I love someone" the whole attitude has changed... I didn't get serious about relationship any more... Just have fun...clubbing, partying, discoing etc. But after I saw you again...all the feelings have popped up my mind again. I just couldn't control myself from loving you again. And guess what is the most tough part, you have grown so much that...not just the inside but the outside. you look super beautiful and I just lose control... So after I sent you back to Ida's house... I decided not to see you any more... Coz I was so scare to fall in love with you any more... Please forgive me... Anyways, it has been such a long time since we last chat... Sometimes I wonder how you doing and what you have been doing?! I wanted to call you so much but just got scared. I was so afraid to talk to you?! Anyways, now that I have finally come to a conclusion that it would be relatively hard for me to find someone like you in my life ever again. And I finally accepted that you...were just THE BEST THAT I EVER HAD?!

BeckyBeckySo you sailed away Into a grey sky morning, Now I'm here to stay Love can be so boring. Nothing's quite da same now, I juz say ur name now. But it's not so bad, You're only the best I've ever had! You don't want me back , You're just the best I've ever had!  So you stole my world, Now I'm just a phony! Remembering the girl, Leaves me down and lonely! Send it in a letter, Make yourself feel better! But it's not so bad, You're only the best I've ever had! You don't want me back, You're just the best I've ever had! What was it you wanted?  Could it be I'm haunted! And it may take some time to Patch me up inside! But I can't take it so I Run away and hide!  And I may find in time that You were always right  You're always right! But it's not so bad, You're only the best I've ever had!



MelaMe & MelaItz kinda weird of what I did yesterday. I ended it up drinking with Mela...which I have never planned of doing it initially. I went to a pub with Gravin and his friends. Then Gravin asked me to see if anyone wanted to join. So I looked up my phone book and all of sudden Mela appeared on my phone list. So I called her and see if she wanted to join us. Surprisingly she wanted to go so... I thought she would be hating me or whatsoever since I was the one who broke up with her. But fortunately she didn't, and she came within half hour. We then sat down and drank quite alot of chivas and green tea. May be this was the first time I drank Chivas, so I didn't realize the effect. I drank quite a no. of cups and next minute I was a bit drunk. Then later I went down to the washroom and washed my face. As I walked out the washroom, I saw Mela walking in to the ladies washroom too. And I didn't know what happened, but the next minute was me and her hugging and kissing outside the washroom. She kissed me so deeply that I couldn't even breathe probably. Somehow I knew she still love me...just by her action and my feeling. John went to the washroom all of sudden and that was surely embarrassing for me. Coz he didn't know that we were once couple..and all of sudden we kissed outside the washroom. Anyways, It was kinda happy ... coz you knew that there was someone who still love you after you have broken up with her sometimes. We were in the pub until around 2am. Then I sent Mela home... As we were heading home, some guy named Alex called Mela's Mobile. So I asked her, who is Alex? Is that your new bf.? She didn't say a word. But I knew he surely was. Anyways, I think I was too drunk, so I took her phone off from her and told Alex that Mela would now officially "break-up" with him. Coz Mela will now be my girl friend instead. I hung up the phone after saying all these stupid non sense words. Mela then was laughing and said, "hey what can I say?!" haha... I am so sorry Mela! I didn't mean to it... Anyways, I woke up today... Then only realized that I have made a serious mistake?! But Luckily, Mela kinda understood... So she didn't blame me... Well, no matter what I think I did own you a big huge apology! I am so sorry?!


Yung YungWow... Two weeks of happy times gone by too fast.   Finally, me and Yung Yung have to break up.   Still remember the first time I saw Yung Yung... That was indeed an electricity shock?! Her smile, her beautiful eyes... wow.. Just couldn't resist.. She kinda looks like Cecelia Cheung in a way.   That was what her friends says and what I have believed too.   She treated me very well... and she was actually the first one who wanted to buy me a car as a gift... but the condition is that I must moved out and stayed with her... Well, that was kinda hard for me... Coz I am living with my parents now... And it just wouldn't be easy to move out since we haven't been together that long.   Anyways, I have explained to her... but she didn't seem to accept my explanation.   Anyways, our relationship was not healthy in a way.   We didn't hang out that often. I think we did only went out for a movie and dinner once.   The rest of the time that we spent together was in a hotel.   Well, that was kinda sad...coz after we have been together for like two weeks or three weeks time... She called me and told me how she feel... She said that she felt like I was treating her like Sex Machine?!   Coz all we did was just sex... nothing else...whenever we have spent time together... I felt so sad to hear that... but I swear to god.. she would never be a sex machine to me.. coz I did love her... it just that the timing was not right?! She has to work at nite... and whenever she finished work...then I was basically tired...so of course, we would go to a hotel to take some rests.   And every time she saw me, she would start to kiss me...and come on?! I am a guy?! of course, I wouldn't be able to stand it at times... and thatz why we always ended up having sex.   And when we got up, that was pretty much at nite... and she got to go work..and I have to go back home or sometimes I have to go to work.. so pretty much we wouldn't have much time to do some other things else.   It was really hurt when I have heard this... But I guess the only choice that we have left was staying together.   But the problem is that I wouldn't be able to stay with you at this moment... so we have no choice but to break up... that was sad... but oh well, what da hell?! Life goes on?!


ah Shanoh..God.. really didn't know what and how to start it... I guess I should start from the 1st day I met her... That day... I went to Cyber with ah B and Jack since Jack's friends have reserved a room in Cyber.   After we have arrived, we saw two so called movie stars... I didn't think it is a good idea to mention their names... since they are HK stars.. Anyways, we didn't have much of fun initially... Well, I guess I didn't... But both ah Jack and ah B did... Of course, they were hugging and kissing with their girl all the time... So I was kinda alone... Ah B kept forcing me to "Cut some girls" in da dancing floor... But since I haven't been disco-ing or pubbing for so long... Of course, I was kinda shy... haha?! Unbelievable... But thatz true though?! Anyways, at around 2 to 3am, ah Shan came... She was drinking beer and playing those games with some other people in the room.   She saw me and ah B walked inside the room...so she asked us to join... I didn't wanna join initially coz I hate beer... So I didn't join... But ah B joined ..and started to play games with her... and He started to get so close to her... After a shortwhile, ah B suggested me to go dance with her and some other people.. So we went to the stage again...and started to dancing... Ah B...haha... that ham sop fellow started to seduce ah Shan...he tried to hug and touch her... but unfortunately, ah Shan rejected his action.   Action Denied?! Well, that was for sure... coz ah B was hugging and kissing another girl all day lone ....and unfortunately ah Shan has seen the whole thing... So sorry, ah B would have no choice of getting her... Then may be ah Shan was scared by ah B's action... so she started to stand beside me and started to dance with me... I didn't wanna be with her initially...coz I felt bad...since itz like taking someone's girl away... But my brother B, I knew him very well... So he kept asking me to go for her....coz he said no point to waste ma?! haha...that fellow is extremely funny?!   Anyways, so I listened to him... and started to flirt with ah Shan... and fortunately, she seems kinda accept it... and we then started to stick with each other until 6am... then she said she wanna go back home...then I asked if she wanted me to send her home.. Surprisingly, she said "Sure".. so I sent her home by taking a taxi.. And guess the next minute...I was at her house... and thank god?! she was living by herself... She went to take a shower...and dressed with a very sexy see through underwear... Well, that was too hot...way too hot.. and may be her dress was too low cut... so her nipple was always exposed... sorry to say that... but that was truth... Anyways, we slept together in her bed... I knew normally what a guy would do for sure... they would indeed quickly took off their shirt and started to have sex?!   But sorry, that was never my style?!   I didn't like One Night Stand?! In fact, I would never try!!! Coz I found it so stupid... Anyways, swear to god, we didn't do anything... All I ever did, was just hugging her and sleeping together until the next day... We got up at nite... then the next minute, I left her house... Then the second day, I went down to her house again after work.. We went to the supermarket nearby her house and got us some food.   Coz she said she wanna cook for me.   Well, she did.. and the food was excellent?! Such a good cook?!   After dinner, I went to take a shower at her house... and then she went to take a shower afterwards... then we watched a bit of TV... and started to sleep together... Well, to be frank... I have to admit that we did have sex that day... Even though it was a very short time since we just knew each other for like 2 days.. but at least that was not one night stand?! right?!   Well...after that, she asked me one question... that was kinda scary for me?! She asked me to move in to live with her?!   That really scared me away... It was not that I didn't like her... It just that moving in would be too fast... I didn't think I have prepared to live with her yet... since we just get started.   Anyways, she seems to be demanding too much or may be too "Sticky".   She kept calling me throughout the day... and you know what?! I have to work, right? So I started to feel a bit of annoying.. Anyways, she asked me to go to her house again... and I said...okay... So she waited nearby my workplace...and that moment onwards...I felt that was it... "No more"   I knew that I should be happy...coz it wasn't easy to have someone who willing to wait for you after work... and willing to cook for you after work... But I didn't know why I felt so annoying.   May be that was because I didn't love her that much... So I thought about it...and finally I realized that she was not my cup of tea... coz when Barbie was waiting for me before, I have never feeling annoying.. but at least I would love to see her as soon as possible.   So I knew that it wouldn't work out for me and her... And what I did the next few days...I didn't talk to her....I always told her that I was busy at work... and all of sudden I disappeared.   I thought she would understand initially.. but sorry may be she didn't aware of it... so she still kept calling ... until the very last time, she msg. me and asked me what is going on?! Then I replied with one single word, that is "Sorry!".   I knew that is kinda mean...but I guess that would be the best way... if I dragged our relationship longer, the more pain it will become for both of us... I didn't know if I was doing the right thing... but Really Sorry about it Shan?!   You are such a wonderful girl and I am surely you would find someone that you love?!


I have been very busy due to tremendous of work and so on. Sorry for being so lazy and haven't been able to write down anything for my journal. Anyways, things are getting worse and worse whilst I have been relapsed lately and just couldn't find the solution to my problem. Anyways, I think I will do my very best to look for a solution. I just don't wanna be back to da old ways.... Why everything has to go downhill again and again? why I have to fuck it all up over and over. When will I start to grow up?? god please help me!!


Janice LeungWow.. time just flies by...... itz the end of May. Well, This month has been very interesting.. coz I finally recovered from my accident before. And moreover, I m currently working. Never really believe that I m actually workin' in a local company that only deals with local customers. Unbelievable!!! But anyways, hope things will turn out okay!!! And for Janice, I felt very sorry for your grandma... So sad to hear that your grandma has passed away. It must be painful for you. But just try not to be too sad. Coz she will be going to heaven and living there with a happy life!! God will always bless her and you as well!! I don't know... Sometimes I felt life is too short and weak!!! And sometimes I tend to lose interest of living!!! But may be thatz life... Perhaps I will find the meaning of life one day!!! And to Ting Ting and Clare, Miss you two so much!!! Wish I can join you all for working!! Coz you two are always my best best best buddies no matter what!!! Wish can see you two as soon as possible!!! Take good care you two and may god bless you two too!!!


Itz been a super busy day today. Went out to visit customers with ah Wah. Luckily, it turned out kinda smooth. Otherwise, It would be super embarrassing coz I was actually demonstrate of how to visit customers.... haha.. After da long day, went to drink with Steven. Well, kinda tired after couple of drinks... haha but at least I don't get headache.... well thatz pretty much for today.


Playin' snooker with Steven today. Itz been a long long time since I played snooker... well of course..I suck!! haha.. I lost so badly... but at least I have great fun though. After snooker lessons...then went to a small pub and had few drinks there with Issac and his gf. Itz been along time since my last drink too... haha.. had a big headache..coz haven't been drinking for such a long time... oh well... nothing much happened lately except that...still worryin' bout my job... anyways... hopefully everything will turn out fine...


Went for a date with Colina after work... She was working in da Island side... So went to her workplace and pick her up... We went for a little dinner... Oh god... She surely dark as chocolate... But looks good on you... so better kept it up... Yeap... She was kinda cute... Very short.. small size... I think she only reaches to my chest. Anyways, we did have some fun... and after that, of course went back home and slept like a baby... coz I gotta work the next day ma?! Anyways, life has been alright... hope it will remain the same.... for at least few years... haha... life sometimes is like roller coaster ride.. sometimes super high...and sometimes super low... so kinda down-low high-up... top and bottom...back and forth... really getting sick and tired of it...but I guess that is no choice... coz that is what life is about?! Right?!



I have been talking with ah Ling lately... by the way quite frequently... She just finished her secondary studies... and planning to work for the summer... Anyways, I am doing quite well in Hong Kong Dragon. So therefore, I have asked her to join our company. I talk to Steven about it. And he agreed to interview her. So she came the other day but with wrong dressing code. She dressed kinda sexy... lowcut jeans with no sleeves shirt... But anyways, I did my very best to persuade Steven... and finally she got da job... that is good?! Happy for her... Anyways, she has been fitting in pretty good in da Dragon... All the best and keep working hard, Ling?!

Ling & her SisterIssac's B-dayHK Dragon's Colleagues


Thiz my sixth day of working. Kinda tired coz haven't been workin' for such a long time. Anyways, glad to meet some of da people in da office but itz also kinda sad to see people left the company. Anyhow, I guess thatz why life goes. People come and go... happiness come and go...hahah...what da hell... anyways, really exhausted... I really dont know how long I can stand ..but indeed will give it a good try... Well, kinda miss MSN chating... coz haven't been chating with anyone for so long...since have to work right now... But I don't know...hopefully will keep in touch with all da people...hehe...

HK Dragon OfficeHK Dragon OfficeHK Dragon Office


What a lucky day today!!! I went to three job interviews today and plus one yesterday.......total 4 job interviews and guess what? I had three job offers which was a miracle for me. I really couldn't believe that I would find a job that fast. I was super happy for that coz it took me nearly 2 weeks for my last job. Anyways, eventhough the basic salary is little bit lower than my last job. and the working days are little longer but ...what da hell. At least I can start working now. I didn't know if I can manage to do well in this job since therez a sales target to meet but I guess no harm to try... If I don't try, I wouldn't know. Like my ex boss told me... itz all number's game... The harder you work, the more you try, the higher probability to close a deal... Well, saying it is easy but doing it...haha... no comment... Anyways, I felt sorry to Esteelyn, coz I promised to call her yesterday night.. But then I didn't due to I have to fix all da music videos at this site. Some of the videos were no longer existed or being held by Bolt.com due to the corporate rights or whatsoever. Anyways, itz all being fixed now and hopefully no more trouble for me. Anyways, looking forward to work on Monday!!


Feeling kinda tired today but still have to do some chores today...what da...haha.. Well, finally managed to get my new phone no. and is time for me to get back to work again. I don't know what the future holds..but hopefully itz going to turn out fine... I am really getting sick and tired of changing jobs over and over again. But what da hell? Things just happened unpredictably... Oh well, I guess I just have to work harder and hopefully I will get my dream kinda job. Well, Best of Luck to myself...haha...first time I have made a wish to myself... But don't know if that will become true.


Haven't been writing any journal lately due to tremendous work in Piczo.com I have been updating all da information and made up a list of pop up music videos in da music page. Thus, I have also been updating the friend list from both friendster and hi5 profile. Which is kinda hectic!! Anyways, itz good that finally I have finished. Everything goes kinda smooth lately. I think I m nearly 95% recovered and therefore I can start work again... how nice... don't have to sit at home and do nothing everyday... haha... anyways. I hope people who have visited my website would love the way I deciding and presenting it.


Feeling Super Tired today coz of the stupid friendster thing. I was doing my very best trying to create the new layout but that stupid website always corrupt and all da html gone case... Finally I m able to finish at 3:30am.. but by that time, I was totally awake.. couldn't sleep any more since I got used to sleep before 12am everyday.... Anyways, my brother is starting to do his website now.. thatz kinda cool coz I have already become an expert of doing it.. So Can help him.. and besidez received a msg. from Norway... saying that she loves my website very much.. thatz kinda cool coz i really spent tremendous effort of doing it!!!


Well.. Kinda Feeling Great..since Can finally go to sleep again. Well, Today I supposed to do alot of things..but forgot again. I guess I m becoming very lazy... haha.. But no matter what, thanz god, the round metal coin really workz. Extremely grateful for it. I guess I should continue do more exercise...


Well, what a busy day... Went out lunch with my parents, then bought myself three T shirts...since most of my clothes were packed somewhere... so lazy to find... but anyways.. haven't chat with Bella for sometime. Wonder if shez fine or not. Oh yeah, supposed to call Esteelyn..but then I just remember... oh well.. My mum'z arguing with my brother... I wonder what I can do for him ...but too bad, he juz never listen... sometimes I wish I can help him...but I guess he must reaching out first before I can help!!! Isn't it??! Well... thatz pretty much for today.


The last day of April. Feeling kinda alright coz...finally I can be able to sleep. Eventhough not as much as before, But still... anyways, went out and shoppin' a little. Bought a t-shirt, a pair of shoes... But still haven't found my dream t-shirt yet... Hopefully, I will be able to find it one day. WELL, life has been alright...been doing quite alot of exercise coz wanna meet my target... that is by the first week of May...I must RECOVER 100%... anyways... nothing much to say... hehe...


God God God? Where will I get better? How come I still cant sleep after so many things that I have tried???? Whatz wrong with it? Iz it some kind of punishment? if so, when is it gonna be end? I cant live this kind of life forever. Coz I juz want a simple ordinary kinda life. Why cant I have it? Am I demanding too much? or juz I had made so much mistakes from before and now iz my payback time? Perhaps! But frankly, why can you just give my life back..and I would return back to the society for Fuck Sake?! Itz damn hurting cant be able to sleep 8 hours a day? Well...even 5hours a day I would be happy.. But I just cant... The most I can sleep is probably an hour a day... I think I m going to turn 70 years old face if that continues.... Okay... thatz... my life ends!


BarbieMe & BarbieItz been such a busy day whole day. Been talking to Gravin, Father Ko, Likso...etc. Didn't realize how much they do care until receiving calls from them. Thanks you all, love you all! And for you guys, I will fight for my life. Rex will indeed be back one day. Sooner or later. Anyways, chat with my ex. Barbie the whole afternoon. She told me that she still wanted me to come back. But the thing is should I? I didn't know...but after outweighting the goods and the bads, I guess probably not. In fact, I have never really experienced back and forth relationships... coz itz kinda stupid. If therez no problem, surely there would not be breaking up at da first place. I didn't know if that is correct but somehow thatz all I think anyways... Well, feeling kinda tired lately. Thank god managed to get some sleeps yesterday nite. I guess what I should do is not to fall asleep during the day time and wait until at nite...haha.. and other thing, always keep myself busy. Thatz the way I guess. Anyways, thatz all for today. peacez.


EsteelynWell, finally had a good sleep!! Itz been such a long time since I could be able to sleep again. Anyways, called Esteelyn at nite. And she is kinda cute... She asked me if I have "Kau Lui" or not?! Of Course I didn't... Coz I didn't even know how?! Right? haha... Anyways, that is so sweet of her.  It is always good to know that there is still someone who loves you or willing to wait for you.  But to be frank, I wasn't planning to have a gf. for the meanwhile. It is not like I don't want one but just don't feeling to have one for this time being.  Anyways... May be later... May be I just felt kinda sick and tired recently and therefore I don't think I would like to have one... Coz my life is such a messy... still messy... Anyways, nothing much has done for the whole "die"... just went out for dinner with my parents and my uncles and aunties... well, still not feeling that good yet... hopefully it will get better pretty soon! And hopefully, one day Esteelyn can become my one... But that is kinda hard coz distance.  God, I hate it so much!  How come I have never found any ones in HK?  Why always outside HK? Is that means I have to leave HK for good?  Anyhow, thanks so much Esteelyn.  You really did make me feel warm and great.  Hope you have a good day!


Carmen & MeCarmen & MeI have been super lazy due to my sickness. Somehow I still thinks those cold and flu virus were staying at my stomach. And coz of that, I just couldn't be able to eat, sleep and sometimes even throw up. I didn't know if that can be a real case but somehow thatz how I felt. Anyways, still trying to use my persistence to fight over it. Hopefully everything will be fine eventually. Bought two goldfishes yesterday. Hope they will bring me some luck... They will!!! haha... Actually, these two goldfishes remind me of Carmen... Still remember when we firstly got together, it was nearly the Chinese New Year... so we went to the new year night market in Tsuen Wan and bought each other a bag of gold fishes... It was unfortunate that all of her fishes were dead few days later... and all of my goldfishes were alived for so so long... until I moved out to T.S.T. then nobody is taking care of them... thatz why they died... Anyways, Wonder how she was doing?! I heard she did get marry already... wow get married in the age of 19. That was pretty early. Now I understand why she dump me last time. I guess she was right... She said that she didn't feel that I wanted to marry her... And all she wanted was actually marriage?! Now I understand... It was quite sweet when I firstly with her. She has taught me alot of things. We did spend a no. of days and nights together.. and surely it was fun. Anyways, All the best to you, Carmen?! And will always pray for you?! Anyways, tomorrow a big date for me. Didn't know howz going to turn out but hopefully everything would be settled by tomorrow. God bless me!!


I felt super tired and sick since yesterday nite. I've been throwing up since 12am yesterday until 6pm today. Not able to go to sleep and itz super torturing for me. Anyways, At least I felt better at six pm. Then I was able to finish my fifth blog of my piczo website. There is still one more blog to go. I didn't have any clue of what to be written on my last blog. But I thought probably I would put down something like friendship since that would be my last blog. Anyways, nothing much today since have been sick lately. God, help me get better, k?!


Me & BMe & BWow... Having a rough night yesterday. Still not being able to sleep yesterday.. but somehow...after rolling around and around... then finally I managed to go to bed at one until 9am this morning... surely a blessing from god... haha... oh yeah, talking with Kenny yesterday. He is such a good buddy to me. Always there whenever I need him. Cool dude!! Love you My man. Anyways, tomorrow will be Mr. B's birthday. Hope he is having a good awesome birthday. Itz really bad that I can go celebrate with him... Whilst We used to go out together and have fun together. We kinda have our synergy effect in terms of...... better not to talk about it in here. But anyhow, he is always a good clubing disco-ing partner. We had tremendous fun few years back.... Especially the Beach Rave Party held in Sek O. Super unforgettable. Still remember I just broke up with Sandy that day. But luckily not feeling sad, coz that party was awesome!! kick all my sadness...haha. Anyways, Happy Birthday B!!!


Itz been a super rough day for me yesterday. Not able to go to sleep for such a long time... I m becoming super crazy lately...coz lack of sleep... And what is worse is that my younger brother really pissed off my mum today. my mum almost wanna chop him into pieces.... But thank god.. She didn't finally.... oh god... what am I supposed to do? Feeling kinda sick and tired... I wonder why is that??? Oh yeah, chating with ting Ting today. She told me that shez planning to go UK with Clare. Which is awesome!!! I hope I can join too...hehe.. greedy man.... Actually I just want Lim, Franky...etc to join as well... coz that will be back to our college life.. how nice??? Anyways, I chat with Clare as well afterwards... Guess what Clare told me? She asked me to marry Ting Ting?! Not Again!! She has been selling Ting Ting to me all these while?! I knew Ting Ting is good.. if she is not, I wouldn't be with her before... but sometimes, when two people are far apart for sometime... things just changed. Besides, I didn't think I was good enough to deserve someone like Ting Ting. She is gorgeous and pretty for sure?! Inside and outside Beauty?! I have to admit that Ting Ting is always the best one to get married with... since she will indeed be a good wife?! I can see from her... But the problem is... how to live with her since we are so far apart?! College life is all over?! If we are still in College... then that wont be the different thing... but now we are so far apart now... things just changed... Anyways, my mum really like Ting Ting...so it would be a good idea to marry her... haha... just kidding...Oh well.. shouldn't be dreaming too much....life gets harder and harder~~~!!!

 Me & Ting TingTing TingMe & Ting Ting


MeItz been a long day today. Feeling kinda tired and sick. Couldn't be able to sleep. Didn't really know why ..I just couldn't be able to take my mind off. I just keep thinking and dreaming bout something. Sometimes thinking of some kind of non-sense. Which is kinda weird. Well, I guess I m just having too much of "Internal Fire" according to Chinese doctors. Well, Who cares!! Life goes on!! Have been busy with my web lately and finally itz done. It just that I need three more blogz to finish up the whole thing. haha. Anyways, chat with Bella today and found out that she is okay now at least. Coz haven't heard from her for quite sometime and turned out that she is fine... A blessing from god!!! Anyways, I guess I should go to sleep earlier today coz my life have been turning up side down lately. Which I don't think that is good!!!


Wow...itz been quite sometime since I wrote my journal again. Itz been quite long since last time I wrote my journal. The main reason is that I have been creating my own little website. I have been super obsessed to making this web. The proud was there!! Damn proud of myself sometimes..coz frankly, I m not a computer genius at all. But somehow I can still managed to make some webpages as good as the professional web designer. So feel kinda happy at times. Well, I still got alot of work to do. IT won be super hard for me to finish up whilst all I got was just 24 hours a day.. not enough...haha... anyways, glad that I have been very busy, so didn't have to think much about other things... I guess the doctor is right.. I should always keep myself busy in order to stay out of something...haha.. anyways, I will indeed put my effort to write my journal again! Cheerz.


Where is the Love?Oh man... got up in the afternoon again!!! slept in da morning yesterday... oh man... feeling kinda lazy..and sick too. But oh well!! managed to finish 2 webpages of my web. hopefully I can be finished very soon. haha... cant wait to see when itz all completed...haha.. oh yeah... been watching the old MTV "where z da love" by Black eyes peas. One question really has popped up my mind was that "where is the love" really???? Sometimes I wonder where z everybody'z love? everybody really just care about theirselves, their money their own stuff!!! Hate that!!! why cant some of them care about stranger or people whoze in need indeed!!! anyhow..... thatz what lifez about I guess!!!


BellaBellaWell...have become a super lazy bum lately. Supposed to finish up my journal yesterday but then turned out...dadada... "Doin' it today" Thatz because of the new website that I m workin' on lately. Anyways, chating with BELLA for awhile and found out that she'z sick and was lying in da hospital.. Poor BELLA. Let me pray for you!! and kiss away your pain perhaps?! If thatz possible. haha.. Bella is just so sweet, although she is sick like a pussy cat, but she still kept her promise of chating with me.  Mucks, you deserved it.  Well.. nothin' really much lately.. except being a lazy bum... playing internet and working on my web for the whole f-king nite.. then sleeps early in the morning.. this kind of life seems to be abit..CRAZY and Up side down..haha.. should change it.. I guess. Oh yeah.. managed to steal some cool Music MTVz, picz, gif and iconz yesterday.. Feeling kinda cool...thanks god... well, really didn't know how long is it gonna take to finish my web.. coz that was indeed exhausting... hate typing html codes.. and javascripts and all... very tired... Anyways, thatz pretty much about it.


Me & JaniceItz been a long "die" today.... Really tired... Extremely tired!!! Coz I have to got up very earlier in da morning since promise my dad of going for "Yum Cha" with him.. Well, it wazn't that bad if I did go to bed early yesterday. But then I didn't!!! I went to bed at around 8am this morning...then got up at 9am.. wow... that really killz me!!! Anyhow... at least I got to go "yum cha" finally!!!! haven't been to any restaurant for so f-king long... the food there were quite delicious!!! Anyways... after that, went down to T.S.T. for shopping!! I was super tired but no choice...coz have to accompany my dad!!! We went down to harbour Centre and all.... My dad said he wanna get me and my brother both a "wall hanging" LCD TV, a new DVD player and a notebook.... But the condition is that we both MUST quit Smoking...haha... kinda hard ...but will indeed give it a try!!! my brother is such a superman!! coz he really quit smoking for like 3 days now!!! not even a bluff!!!! unbelievable!!! Anyways, didn't get much things today except a white belt for myself. I really like that belt coz I found white belt looks good with a jeans!! isn't it??? at least I like it....haha.. after that tough shopping trip, we then went to restaurant for dinner. Itz a treat from my uncle. Coz my dad lost quite a lot of money to my uncle for the majong game yesterday!!! So poor and pity!!! Well, the food there again was supera!!! l didn't really eat that much for so long now... But today...just eat and eat!!! Coz my parents have been forcing me to eat lately. They said I ate too much now!!! Coz I used to eat alot!!! super much!!! but nowadays... no appetite!!! coz...too much things to worry about!! poor me!!! WELL.... kinda thinking of Janice abit today. Wonder if she is okay or not!! It was not easy for me to break up with Janice initially... coz we have been together for more than a year. My friend James, ah B and Kenny, even my parents think that she was pretty and high class... It surely not easy to have such a good gf. I really did regret alot... I shouldn't propose breaking up with you despite of the fact that our love has been fading... Sometimes I wish I could turn back time... but I guess it would never work?! Poor.. itz too bad that you were in UK all da time while we re together...Sometimes I wonder why we would broke up??! If not, how nice!! Since she is staying so close to me!!! Anyways, may be I should get her back?? Just listen to MAy May!!! hahaha.... But would May May able to help me get her back?! Even though they are good friends but still I didn't think so... haha.. I should stop thinking stupid things.. May be that is because being Single for too long?! Anyways,itz been a long day for me. I better go sleep earlier since I just have 1hr sleep yesterday!!!


DahliaMe & DahliaWell...Just Realized when I m writing this journal.. Today itz April Fool...haha.. Used to be fooled by so many people while I was in primary school or so.. but then nowadays... nobody really give a shit about it.. Anyways... Have been a normal day again today. Yesterday have a good chat with Dahlia.. Shez still the old dahlia I used to know. Still special..cute and sweet!! We have talked about of things... She said that I have no "heart" coz I didn't "chase" her... Well... itz really hard for me to chase someone..coz I didn't know how ma?! She said that she don't believe it... She said she used to think that I am really really good... Well, frankly, either do I?? Anyways, we have already fixed a "Date" and will lookin' forward to it. coz I have always have fun whenever I am with her. Coz she is just so low B like me?! Anyways, managed to find a very interesting website whereby it allows you make your own photo slide... very interesting: http://www13.rockyou.com/ Please give it a try whenever you are free.. ITz indeed worth to give it a try... Anyhow...having dinner with my mum and brother.. Didn't really have appetite to eat for sometime.. but at least I felt hungry today.. Oh well...things will just get better eventually. Okie... Oh yeah... I have just installed the new msn messager 7.5 .. seems kinda fun coz we got to record our own voice and send it to people. How nice!!! Well, other than that...nothing really special... Hopefully tomorrow will be another good day!!! :)


BellaBellawell..another heavy day today. supposed to meet up with my ex but then turned out that my stupid alarm not workin'. Really sorry for that. I apologized for my careless. Well..like I said, things always happened for a reason. Believe it or not! Because of not meeting her, I met someone instead. So glad to get to know BELLA Baby today. It was kinda difficult to get to know German & Indonesian Mix with these kind of Beauty. You told me that your sister is prettier?! BUt to be frank, I didn't think so. I think you so be the model but No your sister?! Believe or not?! You know what? I have never expected that we could get along very well. It was surely super impressive that we both could talk for hours and hours... non stop. And I thank you very much for that... yeap... I guess you are really into fashion, huh?! Hey babe, Just wanna tell you one thing.... You are just so sweet. Well... I have to admit that I did feel CrUSH!! Super CRUSH! Ich Liebe dich! Don't really remember German that much. Thanks for teaching me German again... Anyways, Bella, You were such a honest wonderful charming pretty little baby. I was surely super glad that we got to know each other and surely hope that I could be with you forever. However, on the other hand, I knew we would never be able to be together since you have already had a bf. Even though you told me that you didn't mind to have another one... but still, I am not type of guys that like to flirting around... I can only accept one at a time. Believe or not?! Haha... But thanks anyways, for letting me know that I do have little attractions as to others. And yeap, no doubt you are hell of a sweetest prettiest girl that I have ever known so far... but still... I didn't wanna share girl friend with others... so I hope you do understand... and don't call me baby, okay?! Coz I might hurt me one day...since you cant give yourself fully to me... I did experience so many bad things before.... That is why it is not easy for me to share gf. with someone... Might be as a modern kind of guy, I should try to accept this... since it has becoming very common over the world nowadays... but still, I hate the feeling of knowing your gf. was actually with someone... that feels awful... May be I did look like some kind of naughty guy... but deep down inside... I am quite sincere and faithful to the ones that I truly love. I still remember that was a time I tried to have three gfs. at a time... and the feeling was not good?! And guess what, I ended up losing all of them... But I wasn't that sad... coz when I think it over, that was so stupid... waste of time... coz if you really love someone, you wont let yourself to be loved or loved the others... coz all you do think of and care of is that girl?! No one else... therefore, you wont be seriously loving someone when you do have the intention to be with another one. May be I am wrong...but all I knew was that my heart was so small... and only enough for One person?! Anyways, my best bud. Ah B's b-day's coming up.. Don't know where is he going 2 celebrate. Itz too bad, we cant go to QueenZ any more. We used to have tons of fun over there. Party Animal... haha.. Well...itz been a great day so far. nothin' much happened..but that is all I want!!! Oh yeah, one funny thing as I remembered from yesterday. I had a little talk with my dad. He said that my defect, shortcomings or weak points whatever you wanna called it would be "Females". Coz I m just being too nice to them. I guess thatz what a gentleman do, isn't it? But my dad said sometimes you have to learn what to do and what not to do. yeap yeap! time to grow up. Well, just wanna say love you both dad and mum. you two are the brilliants, the best of the best! You two indeed my lifesavers always and ever! Hey Franky boy, thanks for message. itz been f-king long time didn't hear from ya. Thought you have become a super monster or a rat,... did you owe any money from loan sharks? I wondered why you have disappeared for so fucking long. Everybody cares and worries about you? Should have leave us some messages. You know friends are forever and ever since We only have limited life, right?!!!  It have been nearly half years since we have last heard from you.  We seriously do worry about you.  We don't know whether you are still alive or facing any big problems in which you might needed a helping hand. But thank god, at least you are back now.  We are glad that you are still cool and happy as usual.  So please remember not to disappear all of sudden and hope you have a good day, bud! Miss You!


(back:) Hooi Yean, Ling, Clare (front:) Ting Ting, Me, Kenny, BillyItz been a okie kinda day. Still feeling abit sick but hey, things are going to get better eventually. Coz life should be full of miracles, surprises and fun... Isn't it? Anyways, so glad to receive emails from old friends: Billy Boy, Franky Chai, Ting Ting ZoO "E" Lu, ClARE "EGG", Becky "the beauty"... All these people are just superb.. we have been living closely together during my uni. life. Well, sometimes I was thinking if I can just go back to my university life...so nice..so happy and so coolioo! Anyways, now that everybody is working....kinda boring and sad... If we could stay together...now nice!!!! Itz too bad that we are all in different parts of the world now!!! SHIT!!! Sometimes I really hate myself being BORN in HOng KONG!!! COz all my best friends weren't here!! Coz they are not Hongies!!! HoW Sad!!! Well... thanks to all your emails coz they are super sweet!!! I really miss you all!! For you Ting Ting, I m so sorry that I didn't manage to get to see you when you came down to Hong Kong earlier!! Coz I was in da hospital after I got hit by a taxi!!! So sad!! Anyways, I will indeed make my effort to come down to China and visit you!!! Since I have a no. of good friends over there...so I guess a gathering would be super nice!! oh well.. time to stop right here!! LOVE you all..by da way, been listening to DJ Paul Van dyk's For An Angel for the whole day!


EsteelynIt is really cool that...Esteelyn said that she will be girl friend... haha.. it is going to be fun, isn't it? having a model gf. from overseas? But to be honest, what is the use of having such a gf.? I doubt it... but at least someone is going to listen to your problems when you needs to talk.. and someone is going to be there to share your ups and downs especially when you are single... hehe... Yeap.. She did send me tons of pictures of her... and she even call me on the phone... and she said that she will wait for me at her place.   And she will behave good and wont be with anyone until I come. But to be frank, I will just take it as a joke.. coz that is so unrealistic?! Right?! Anyways, I think I kinda getting used to be single now. Since breaking up with Barbie for quite sometime already. It is kinda funny how we separate coz none of us have ever said "breaking-up" this word. But still ended up ... well. it was indeed my fault even though my friends and parents thought that it wasn't mine but was she instead. Anyways, let gone be by gone.. well.....that is pretty much I have to say for today...coz I m chatting with Barbie right now. Barbie Baby, it is so damn sad......between you and me...... our story......


BarbieI am having an happy day so far... so happy talking with my little Barbie today... Really miss her... always dreaming about her and always wanted to be with her again.. But like I said few days back, god'z not fair!!! I just couldn't be with her right now.... I m hoping that my thing will be over, so that I can be with her again... Anyways, receiving a email from Billy boy... so happy. He said he is coming down to HK next year ... wow.. cant wait till that happen... We used to think that he is gay.... coz he always like to ditch a girl after the girl started to like him... thus, he always hangs around with a gay guy... Anyhow  I know he is not.... coz we used to go "girly fishing" when I was in MY. hehe... still remember the days that we were together,..... super happy... sleeping in the day time... got up in de afternoon...then go for a little snooker...then go for dinner...then next station is Disco... wow,... all these time was cool and amazing... wish I can still living in thiz kind of life... but of course, nowadays are totally different... the last time I went disco was like a year ago... haha... anyways.... back to my little Barbie.... To be honest, I still miss and love you... but I don't know what is gonna happen... hopefully I can be with you soon... but who knows... I might be ending up with someone else...right? Left? Front? Back? never mind...time to stop in here... By the way, just wanna say thank you to DJ Paul Van Dyk!! Your song is super awesome... and it always keeps me living... Thanks... oh well... Adioz...peace...cheerZ... SARS?! Hope to see Billy Hilly Boy as soon as possible and I am gonna bring him to Lang Kwai Fong for clubing for sure. Let me check out our HK style. Hehe.


BarbieI have been listening to music all day long. haven't been going to any disco or pub for so f-king long, felt like to go and dance like crazy... godzfair style super wild sonic ravey moves.... anyhow... still thinking of her...but somehow I wanna let her go! don't know. kinda confuse. one hand wanna be with her... one hand don't wanna with her.... its damn super confuse... contradiction! confusion! that is where I m at today... anyhow, finally finished reading my emails... 200+ messages not including hi5 and friendster accounts... that was because I haven't been checking my emails for quite sometime now... anyways, feeling tired... stop right here...


BarbiePeople often ask??? is there any gOd in thiz shitty world? and if so, is god fair? I doubt it... anyways, Thy myself have been going through a rough time lately... thiz has to flashback to last year mother's day... still remember that day I went down to disco with my friend... and that is the first time I met her... she has an outstanding super gorgeous outlook...super attractive to me anyways... I still remember the first time I saw her. I was pretty much shocked...electrical shocked... she was surrounded by all the horny and stupid idiots while she was dancing on the floor... I was dancing in front of her... as I remember... then all of sudden...I heard some gags and laughs from her and her friends... and as I turned around... that was the first time we looked at each other... I still remember her big and beautiful eyes... anyways... I was happy but sad.. coz I finally found my dream girl after all these while... but how the hell am I suppose to get to know her?? anyhow...cant remember how that happened but she gave me her phone no. Anyways, we went out for movie the very next day... and that was the day we started to be together... It was super amazing to have this girl... she meant alot to me... I treasured her very much and we get along very well....but happy times flies by very fast... something have happened... and this incident really hit me...and becoz of that, I have no choice but have to let her go. it was really sad... even today she told me that she is still waiting for me...and I still love her very much... but I just cant be with her for now and even laterz...so many reasons.

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